Don’t Lose Faith! Pt 2: The Father is Always Working
I have felt so strongly this word from God, “don’t lose faith!” that I wanted to write a part 2 of that word. I think a lot of what hinders our faith is our ability to see fully what God is up to in any season of our lives. If He is not actively bringing really obvious breakthrough like a new job or new relationship, then we often write off that God is doing anything.
My Father is Always Working
Like in my last post, I want to go back to what Jesus says:
“So the Jewish leaders began harassing Jesus for breaking the Sabbath rules. But Jesus replied, “My Father is always working, and so am I.”
John. 5:16-17
Here, Jesus is being criticized for healing someone on the Sabbath. And in the middle of His response to this criticism, Jesus reveals such profound revelation of the Father. He says He is always at work because His Father is always at work. Believe it or not, God is at work even right up to this very moment that you are reading this!
Let God Define God
We cannot let our small understanding of God allow us to limit Him. Sometimes I find myself defining God out of my own limited understanding of the world. I define God that God is only working when I get specific things from Him, that God is only moving when He gives me the raise, the home, the healing. But that is just me boiling a great big God down to small, specific and time limited circumstances. Often times, He is moving in my life and yours in more ways than just that. He sees beyond our current circumstances and knows exactly how to orchestrate things right now that can years later turn into His good purposes in our lives.
Removing our limitations on how we perceive God to work helps us not become disappointed in how circumstances may turn out in our present life. Because, as we surrender more of our lives to Him, He is going to take a hold of it and move in a way for His purposes to play out. And those purposes tend to be more long term than we like. We want immediate, God wants eternity. Enthroned in the highest Heavens, of course the Lord is going to see a bigger, multi-generational picture than we can ever fathom.
Contend for Breakthrough
So let us trust in His ways and trust in His work. He is always working, sending thousands of angels on assignment on our behalf. Let’s allow God to work how He wants to work, not how we want Him to. Let us have faith with a fuller understanding on how the Father is working in each one of our lives. Let’s pray and believe expectantly for the breakthrough of God in our lives, but the breakthrough He wants to bring, not what our own human desires define it to be.